First Annual Book Festival: Brandeis University Press & Ford Hall Forum at Suffolk University

Brandeis University Press is delighted to announce a new series of author events in collaboration with the Ford Hall Forum at Suffolk University. The Book Festival features recently published books from Brandeis University Press and brings prominent authors to Boston to discuss topics of current and enduring interest. The series opens this September, with four events scheduled through the end of 2024, and continues into 2025 with more events scheduled for the spring.

The first annual Book Festival kicks off on Thursday, September 19th with a conversation between Luisa Neubauer, co-author of Beginning to End the Climate Crisis: A History of Our Future and Germany’s most prominent climate activist, and Sabine von Mering, climate activist with 350Mass, director of the Center for German and European Studies, professor of German and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies at Brandeis University, and co-editor of the forthcoming Handbook of Grassroots Climate Activism (Routledge). Von Mering is the translator of Beginning to End the Climate Crisis —Neubauer’s only title currently available in English. 

They will be joined by Jule Manitz, who plays a pivotal role within Extinction Rebellion Boston, organizing and supporting protests and acts of civil disobedience, and Beth Daley, executive editor and general manager of The Conversation and a Pulitzer Prize finalist for climate reporting at The Boston Globe.

This will be followed by events with Diane Dimond, author of We’re Here to Help: When Guardianship Goes Wrong, on October 10th, Susan Eaton author of The Other Boston Busing Story, on November 7th (more information forthcoming), and Jehuda Reinharz, author of Chaim Weizmann: A Biography on November 14th

The Book Festival is a collaboration between Brandeis University and the Ford Hall Forum at Suffolk University. It is co-sponsored by GBH Forum Network

Please refer to our Events page for more details about future Book Festival events, or reach out to with any questions.