Jon Chilingerian

Jon A. Chilingerian is a professor of health care management at Brandeis University and an adjunct professor of family and community medicine at Tufts School of Medicine. His subject matter expertise is in the management of health care organizations, strategic thinking, leadership and team development, performance measurement, and organizational change. He brings an alternative perspective to the much-studied subjects of leadership, hospital management, crisis management, strategy, and the dynamics of individual and organizational change. He has a PhD from the Sloan School at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is the founding director of the executive MBA program for physicians and the MD-MBA program. He is a former assistant health commissioner for the City of Boston.

This case builds on the Tufts Medicine Health Care System (A) case by exploring the barriers and challenges Tufts Medicine faced aligning operations…

This case builds on the Tufts Medicine Health Care System (A) case by exploring the barriers and challenges Tufts Medicine faced aligning operations…