The Green Ages: Medieval Innovations in Sustainability
In this fascinating meld of history and ecological economics, the author uncovers the medieval precedents for modern concepts of sustainable living….
The Philosopher Fish: Sturgeon, Caviar, and the Geography of Desire
Since the days of the Persian Empire, caviar has meant status, wealth, prestige, and sex appeal. Today it sells up to $650 an ounce, and aficionados…
Birdwatching in Maine: The Complete Site Guide
With over 470 species of birds recorded, Maine offers an abundance of birding opportunities for people of all levels of interest and experience, from…
One Planet, Many Worlds: The Climate Parallax
Climate change represents a deep conundrum for humans. It is difficult for humans to give up the unequal and yet accelerating pursuit of a good life based…
The Myth of Progress: Toward a Sustainable Future
In this compelling and cogently argued book, Tom Wessels demonstrates how our current path toward progress, based on continual economic expansion and inefficient…