The Spice Ports: Mapping the Origins of Global Sea Trade
A first-class narrative writer blends his unique cartographic and topographic understanding of the key ports of early seaborne commerce. We may…
Unacknowledged Kinships: Postcolonial Studies and the Historiography of Zionism
This book claims that there is an “unacknowledged kinship” between Zionism and post-colonial studies, a kinship that deserves to be discovered…
The Beauty of the Hebrew Letter: From Sacred Scrolls to Graffiti
This book celebrates the beauty of the Hebrew aleph-bet by visually chronicling its earliest appearance in ancient inscriptions and its subsequent reception…
Dynamic Repetition: History and Messianism in Modern Jewish Thought
Dynamic Repetition proposes a new understanding of modern Jewish theories of messianism across the disciplines of history, theology, and…
A History of the World in Sixteen Shipwrecks
Stories of disasters at sea, whether about Roman triremes, the treasure fleet of the Spanish Main, or great transatlantic ocean liners, fire the imagination…
Breaking the Silence: The German Who Exposed the Final Solution
Through unparalleled historical detective work, noted scholars Walter Laqueur and Richard Breitman reveal the inspiring tale of Eduard Schulte, the Breslau…
Laughing Lost in the Mountains: Poems of Wang Wei
Wang Wei was one of the most celebrated poets of China’s Tang Dynasty (618-907). An influential painter and practitioner of Chan (Zen) Buddhism,…
Dawnland Encounters: Indians and Europeans in Northern New England
Colin G. Calloway collects, for the first time, documents describing the full range of encounters of Indians and Europeans in northern New England during…
Mother Ann Lee: Morning Star of the Shakers
The Trial of Charles I: A Documentary History
On January 6, 1649, the House of Commons passed an act for “the Trying and Judging of Charles Stuart, King of England.” By month’s…
The Darker Side of Genius: Richard Wagner’s Anti-Semitism
For some, Richard Wagner is infamous as the favorite composer of Hitler, who seems to have admired Wagner as an early exponent of his own racist ideology…
The Captain’s Best Mate: The Journal of Mary Chipman Lawrence on the Whaler Addison, 1856–1860