CASE 2.2 The Kindness of Human Milk: The Founding of Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast

In The Heller Social Impact Case Collection

Naomi Bromberg Bar-Yam and Mark Rosen

This case describes the journey of a social entrepreneur as she establishes a new venture in the garment manufacturing business.  It explores how she chose to become an entrepreneur, how she utilized her ecosystem to establish her venture and the choices and challenges she faced creating and financing  a new venture.  At the end she is faced with strategic decisions about how to grow the venture and its impact.  This case provides an excellent illustration of the challenges faced by early stage entrepreneurs, as well as the value of using a hypothesis driven approach to evolving a new venture.

The Heller Social Impact Case Collection is available for purchase here. Instructors may request the Teaching Notes for the book.

E-book: $4.95
ISBN-13: 9781684582228
Pages: 13 | Size: 8.5 in. x 11 in.
Date Published: April 15, 2024

About the Author

Naomi Bromberg Bar-Yam

Naomi Bromberg Bar-Yam is founder and director emerita of Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast and past president of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. Her professional training is in childbirth education, social work, and social policy, with a focus on family policy and advocacy. Naomi’s training and personal experience as the mother of four children, two of whom were NICU babies, have informed her work in milk banking locally, nationally, and internationally.

Mark I Rosen

Mark I. Rosen is a teacher, consultant, researcher, and author. For more than three decades, he taught principles of management and organizational behavior to undergraduate and graduate students at Brandeis University and Bentley University. He earned his PhD in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mark has also served as a consultant and researcher for businesses, nonprofits, and philanthropic foundations. He is the author of two books and the lead author/co-author of more than fifty research and consulting reports, case studies, and professional publications. Mark joined the board of Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast in 2017 and became the board chair in 2023.

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