
Dawnland Encounters

Indians and Europeans in Northern New England

Edited by Colin G. Calloway

Colin G. Calloway collects, for the first time, documents describing the full range of encounters of Indians and Europeans in northern New England during the Colonial era. His comprehensive and highly readable introduction to the subject of Indian and European interaction in northern New England covers early encounters, missionary efforts, diplomacy, war, commerce, and cultural interchange and features a wide range of primary sources, including narratives, letters, account books, treaties, and council proceedings. Together with period illustrations, the documents testify to the richness and variety of the inter-ethnic relations in northern New England. They also show that while conflict certainly occurred, the encounters were also marked by cooperation and accommodation.

Cover Image of Dawnland Encounters: Indians and Europeans in Northern New England
E-book: $19.99
ISBN-13: 9781611681727
Pages: 311 | Size: 6 in. x 8 in.
Date Published: January 1, 1991


  • The important areas of association are . . . presented without condemning or glorifying either Native Americans or settlers. Calloway’s documents represent a picture of human beings in a complex environment of cultural interchange, interchange marked by conflict and competition, but also by cooperation, mutual respect, and accommodation.


About the Author

Colin G. Calloway is Professor of History and Native American Studies at Dartmouth College. His many books include New Worlds for All (1997) and The American Revolution in Indian Country (1995). He has also edited After King Philip’s War (1997) and North Country Captives (1992).

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