
Midrashic Women

Formations of the Feminine in Rabbinic Literature

Judith R. Baskin

While most gender-based analyses of rabbinic Judaism concentrate on the status of women in the halakhah (the rabbinic legal tradition), Judith R. Baskin turns her attention to the construction of women in the aggadic midrash, a collection of expansions of the biblical text, rabbinic ruminations, and homiletical discourses that constitutes the non-legal component of rabbinic literature. Examining rabbinic convictions of female alterity, competing narratives of creation, and justifications of female disadvantages, as well as aggadic understandings of the ideal wife, the dilemma of infertility, and women among women and as individuals, she shows that rabbinic Judaism, a tradition formed by men for a male community, deeply valued the essential contributions of wives and mothers while also consciously constructing women as other and lesser than men. Recent feminist scholarship has illuminated many aspects of the significance of gender in biblical and halakhic texts but there has been little previous study of how aggadic literature portrays females and the feminine. Such representations, Baskin argues, often offer a more nuanced and complex view of women and their actual lives than the rigorous proscriptions of legal discourse.

Paper: $29.95 | E-book: $25.95
ISBN-13: 9781584651789
Pages: 248 | Size: 6 in. x 9 in.
Date Published: June 1, 2002

About the Author

Judith R. Baskin

Judith R. Baskin is Philip H. Knight Professor Emerita in Humanities at the University of Oregon. Dr. Baskin is the author of Midrashic Women: Formations of the Feminine in Rabbinic Literature (2002) and Pharaoh’s Counsellors: Job, Jethro and Balaam in Rabbinic and Patristic Tradition (1983). Her most recent edited volumes are The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism and Jewish Culture (2011) and The Cambridge Guide to Jewish History, Religion, and Culture (2010), co-edited with Kenneth Seeskin and a 2011 National Jewish Book Award winner. Other edited volumes include Jewish Women in Historical Perspective, now in its second edition (1998), and Women of the Word: Jewish Women and Jewish Writing (1994).

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