
Susan Weidman Schneider

Susan Weidman Schneider is Lilith’s Editor-in-Chief, and was one of the magazine’s founding mothers. She is the author of three acclaimed books, among them the groundbreaking Jewish and Female: Choices and Changes in Our Lives Today. She was born in Winnipeg, Canada, and lives in New York City.

Yona Zeldis McDonough has been Lilith’s Fiction Editor for over twenty years. She is also an award-winning author of eight novels, most recently Not Our Kind, published under the pen name Kitty Zeldis, and over thirty-five books for children. She was born in Chadera, Israel, holds degrees from Vassar College and Columbia University, and lives in Brooklyn.

Short story collections focusing on Jewish writers have—no surprise—typically given women authors short shrift. This new volume represents...

Susan Weidman Schneider