Liesbeth De Donder

Liesbeth De Donder is Professor of Adult Educational Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel where she teaches the course “Civil Society and Community Development” and three courses on “Research Methodology.” Her research focuses on (1) Social gerontology - social participation and inclusion of older adults, active caring communities, safety and elder mistreatment; (2) Participation and learning in detention – formal, non-formal and informal education of prisoners; and (3) has a particular interest in participatory methodologies (peer-research, co-construction and action research).

She is promotor of the Compassionate Communities Centre of Expertise, and coordinates the research line “Community Development and Change” in the research group Belgian Ageing Studies. Liesbeth has been coordinator of several national and European projects such as WeDO (wellbeing and dignity of older people), D-SCOPE (Detection, Support and Care of Older people: Prevention and Empowerment), or “Local networking: Caring Communities.” She has received the VUB Excellent PhD Supervision Award in 2021, and has published more than 100 papers in leading peer-reviewed journals in gerontology, care, education and social work.

Countries around the world have disparate experiences with education in prison. For decades, the United States has been locked in a pattern of exceptionally...