Luisa Neubauer

Luisa Neubauer, born in Hamburg in 1996, is one of the co-organizers of Fridays For Future and the most prominent representative of the German movement. In 2018 she met the Swedish student Greta Thunberg at the UN Climate Change Conference and then started Fridays For Future in Germany together with other activists. Since then, Luisa has mobilized hundreds of thousands of people for numerous demonstrations, met various heads of state and government, participated in the world climate conference in Madrid and Glasgow and the world economic forum in Davos. Luisa completed a bachelor's degree in geography in 2019 and is currently completing a master’s in resource analysis and management at the Georg-August University in Göttingen. In July 2021 she published the book Noch haben wir die Wahl [We still have a choice] together with journalist Bernd Ulrich of DIE ZEIT (German weekly). In October 2022 her book Gegen die Ohnmacht [Against Powerlessness], with her grandmother Dagmar Reemtsma, will be published. She is the host of the Spotify Original Podcast 1,5 Grad (1.5 degrees). Luisa Neubauer lives in Berlin.

“Climate change is the biggest crisis of humankind. We can't watch other people drive our future right against the wall.”

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