
Stefan Vogt

Stefan Vogt is adjunct Professor for Jewish History and research coordinator at the Martin Buber Chair for Jewish Thought and Philosophy at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. He received his PhD in History from the Free University Berlin in 2004 and has previously worked at the University of Amsterdam, at New York University and at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva. His main research areas are German-Jewish history, the history of Zionism and the history of colonialism. His is the author of two monographs, Subalterne Positionierungen: Der deutsche Zionismus im Feld des Nationalismus in Deutschland, 1890-1933 (Wallstein, 2016) and Nationaler Sozialismus und Soziale Demokratie: Die sozialdemokratische Junge Rechte 1918-1945 (Dietz, 2006), and of a number of articles on the history of Zionism, German-Jewish history and the history of nationalism and anti-Semitism. He is also the editor of the volume Colonialism and the Jews in German History (Bloomsbury Academic, 2022).

Stefan Vogt
This book claims that there is an “unacknowledged kinship” between Zionism and post-colonial studies, a kinship that deserves to be discovered...