
Birdwatching in New Hampshire

Eric A. Masterson

Designed to appeal to expert and backyard birdwatchers alike, this comprehensive guide reveals where, when, and how to watch and enjoy birds in New Hampshire. It not only offers the latest information about the seasonal status and distribution of birds in New Hampshire but also features a thorough introduction to the art and practice of birdwatching, including equipment, ethics, migration, conservation, and most of all, finding that “good bird.” The heart of the book is the detailed descriptions and maps that outline more than 120 birding sites across the state, from the Connecticut River Valley to Jeffreys Ledge and Cashes Ledge far off the coast. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge of the habits and habitats of New Hampshire birds, the author has divided the state into six regions, each with a rich diversity of birdwatching destinations. The guide also features informative accounts of the more than 300 bird species regularly seen in the Granite State, including their preferred habitats and graphs illustrating when each is most likely to be encountered. In addition, Masterson also provides a useful guide to rare and accidental bird sightings. The essential guide to birdwatching in New Hampshire for beginners and accomplished regional birders.

Paper: $24.95 | E-book: $19.99
ISBN-13: 9781584659860
Pages: 232 | Size: 6 in. x 9 in.
Date Published: April 9, 2013

“A fun read!! Well written. Well illustrated. Great photographs. Packed with information.”

Mike Bartlett, New Hampshire Audubon


  • One of the keys to bird watching, which he discusses in his book, is that sighting birds is not always a matter of happy accident. Luck plays a part, but he’s learned over the years that you can better your chances by knowing when birds migrate, their preferred habitats and stopping points. 'It’s a game of timing and weather and geographic location,' he observed. 'It’s a learned skill when things are going to occur, and where they’re going to occur.'

    Valley News
  • In addition to tips on how to recognize the best birding weather, what times of day are best and how to use binoculars or telescopes, Masterson devotes a chapter to each of six regions of the state. Maps show how to reach many of the best birdwatching sites and Masterson includes descriptions of what birds are likely to be seen at each location. Each chapter includes Masterson’s personal anecdotes about his own experiences in the area.He also writes at length about how weather can impact a day of birding - how wind patterns, cold fronts and warm fronts at different times of the year can make all the difference when it comes to spotting birds in the field.

    Manadnock Ledger Transcript
  • Eric Masterson has written an excellent bird-finding guide. It is clearly written, beautifully illustrated, and nicely designed. Not only does he give clear descriptions of where to find birds in New Hampshire, but he also details when and under what weather conditions they are most likely seen. Up-to-date references to internet sites are also a welcome feature. This guide is a must-have for anybody birding New England.

    Don and Lillian Stokes
    authors of The Stokes Field Guide to the Birds of North America and The New Stokes Field Guide to the Birds, Eastern and Western Regions
  • Eric Masterson has covered all the ground in New Hampshire. He doesn’t just know its birds and their habitats, he knows its fields, forests, mountains, and waterways. I can’t wait to own this book, featuring the very best sites and the very best times to find birds in New Hampshire.

    Jamie Trowbridge
    President, Yankee Magazine
  • A fun read!! Well written. Well illustrated. Great photographs. Packed with information. My only complaint is that Eric Masterson didn’t produce this guide when I first moved to New Hampshire sixteen years ago. It would have saved a lot of wear and tear on my old body looking for all the right birds in all the wrong places!

    Mike Bartlett
    President, New Hampshire Audubon
  • Birdwatching in New Hampshire is a must for every serious birder in New England. Original, well-organized and warmly written, this volume by master birder Eric Masterson will give you all the details you need to catch the most exciting avian spectacles in the granite state, from kettling hawks to puffins on the high seas. It will transform your birding ventures afield.

    Sy Montgomery

About the Author

Eric Andrew Masterson

Eric Andrew Masterson was vice president of development and nature tours at New Hampshire Audubon. He currently serves on the New Hampshire Rare Bird Committee and is a seasonal editor for the quarterly journal New Hampshire Bird Records.

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