Also alive and well: feminist activism among Orthodox Jews and Muslims in contemporary Israel, Kuwait and the United States. So argues Jan Feldman in “Citizenship, Faith and Feminism: Jewish and Muslim Women Reclaim Their Rights.” Feldman acknowledges her personal stake in this argument; her last book, “Lubavitchers as Citizens,” was an “attempt to square (her) feminism and nonpartisan humanism ... with (her) strong attachment to Lubavitch,” and more recently, she has explained how she became “the only professor on campus” — at the University of Vermont, where she teaches political science — “in a sheitel.”
Jan Feldman
Jan Feldman is former Professor of Political Science at the University of Vermont, specializing in political theory and political culture. She has published in the field of Soviet political theory, the post-Soviet transition to democracy, trade policy and population theory. She is the author of Lubavitchers as Citizens: A Paradox of Liberal Democracy (2003).