This vibrant portrait of Isaac Abravanel departs from earlier biographies to locate him clearly in his own times and on his own terms: learned, eclectic, and deeply shaped by the Iberian expulsions and Italian sojourns. Adapting traditions to his times and position, he is pragmatic, paradoxical, and above all fully human.
Cedric Cohen-Skalli
Dr. Cedric Cohen-Skalli teaches early modern and modern Jewish Philosophy at the Department of Jewish History at the University of Haifa. His research focuses on the relationship of Jewish thinkers to two main philosophical shifts: the shift from Medieval philosophy to early modern thought (14th-17th century), and the shift from early modern to modern thought (18th-20th century). He has published three books and many articles on diverse aspects of Jewish thought and literature in early modern and modern period. He is also translator of many works of Freud, Benjamin, Scholem, Idel and Abravanel.