Hijacked Brains

The Experience and Science of Chronic Addiction

Henrietta Robin Barnes, MD

Paper: $30 | E-book: $27.99
ISBN-13: 9781611686753
Pages: 216 | Size: 6 in. x 9 in.
Date Published: January 6, 2015

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  • Barnes does a masterful job describing the science behind this complex chronic disease, as well as putting a human face on it through the lives of her patients. . . . [She] has done a remarkable job describing the science and art of addiction medicine. Hijacked Brains should be mandatory reading for medical students and primary care residents.

    PsycCRITIQUES, American Psychological Association
  • This book could profitably be used in a wide variety of settings (undergraduate and graduate) and majors (health, social sciences, social services, and medicine) to promote understanding of drug abuse and its impact on individuals. . . . Highly recommended.


About the Author

Henrietta Robin Barnes

Henrietta Robin Barnes, MD, is an assistant professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School. She has been a practicing primary care physician for over thirty years.


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