Landowner’s Guide to Wildlife Habitat

Forest Management for the New England Region

Richard M. DeGraaf

This is a concise introduction to practical forest wildlife habitat management for private landowners, who own most of the forested habitat in New England, the eastern United States, and adjacent Canada. In non-technical terms, experts from the U.S. Forest Service provide useful information about plans that can improve forests, enhance production of forest products, increase the diversity of wildlife, and increase enjoyment of forest lands through sound forest management. The book discusses the history of land use and natural changes in forest environments, why species come and go, and how the scale and presence of special features can create a diversity of wildlife habitats. The authors explain management strategies that contribute to wildlife diversity, how to set goals and work with professional foresters to meet your goals, and project how managed lands will look in the future. They show how to determine what kinds of habitat will be used by various wildlife species, how to consider land capability and the mixture of habitat features necessary to attract desired species groups, and how to get started changing existing vegetative conditions through thoughtful management. Exceptional full-color illustrations, charts, and tables enhance the clear presentation of the text, geared specifically for landowners interested in getting started on improving habitat conditions on their land.

Paper: $29.95
ISBN-13: 9781584654674
Pages: 128 | Size: 8.5 in. x 11 in.
Date Published: April 27, 2005

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Book Trailer


  • This book constitutes a big and bold salvo in the already contentious battles over the value of extensive uncut forests and the ecological effects of significant clearcuts. It is written by highly respected experts, and the goals of the book and of the forest management they advocate are clear-that more wildlife species are better.

    Northern Woodlands
  • A comprehensive look at how forested properties can be managed to benefit wildlife and to be sources of forest products in a responsible manner.

    Portland Press Herald
  • Useful resource for land trusts and woodlot owners looking to develop their own management plans.

    Northeastern Naturalist
    vol. 3 no.1
  • If there is one fact the book brings home it is that forests are always changing, and that the operative word may well be diversity.

    The (Milford
  • This is the book landowners, foresters, and others have been waiting for. DeGraaf and Yamasaki have merged their encyclopedic knowledge of New England wildlife and habitat with the legendary silvicultural expertise of Bill Leak. The concepts of habitat management through silvicultural prescription are abundantly illustrated with relevant photography, as well as vivid computer graphic visualizations by Anna Lester that show changes through time across landscapes. More than just a text book on habitat and silvicultural application, this book provides important background on land use history and ecology of the northeast. This book will be useful to landowners considering their alternatives, and managers making decisions or needing to explain them.

    David B. Kittredge
    Extension Forester & Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

About the Author

Richard M. Degraaf

Richard M. Degraaf is chief research wildlife biologist and leader of the wildlife habitat research unit, Northeastern Research Station, Amherst, Massachusetts. He has conducted research on breeding birds, small mammals, and amphibians in major forest cover types in New England and on wildlife habitat associations in the White Mountains for the past thirty years.


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