Pond and Brook

A Guide to Nature in Freshwater Environments

Michael J. Caduto

Designed specifically for the amateur naturalist and filled with hands-on projects and activities, Pond and Brook introduces the readers to the intriguing world of freshwater life. Michael Caduto’s keen eye investigates all common freshwater environments, from wetlands and deep lakes to streams and vernal ponds. An important feature of the book is its holistic approach to both living and non-living components of freshwater environments, and how they fit together to weave an ecological whole. Readers will learn the unique properties of water, the basic principles vital to understanding aquatic life, and the origin of freshwater habitats.

Paper: $27.95 | E-book: $24.95
ISBN-13: 9780874515091
Pages: 288 | Size: 6 in. x 9 in.
Date Published: March 1, 1990


  • Weaves a tapestry of understanding from threads of facts, personal experience, poetry, illustrations, and anecdotes . . . coupled with an engaging writing style. It’s all there: good cause, worthwhile outcome, solid learning, and some gentle fun

    Natural Science for Youth Foundation
  • An indispensable field guide to our nation’s liquid assets.

    William A. Niering
    Connecticut College

About the Author

Michael J. Caduto

Michael J. Caduto, the author of twenty books, is an internationally recognized leader in natural history, environmental education, and cultural diversity.

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