
The New Hiking the Monadnock Region

44 Nature Walks and Day-Hikes in the Heart of New England

Joe Adamowicz

The New Hiking the Monadnock Region will lead you through forests and meadows, over small mountains and gentle hills, around ponds and sanctuaries, and along streams and abandoned roads. This detailed and informative guide, fully expanded and updated, now includes a beautifully rendered map for each hike and also provides information on flora and fauna, as well as local history and nearby sightseeing destinations. In addition, the book contains specialized information for the beginning hiker and for parents hiking with children, lists of hiking and conservation organizations, and other helpful resources. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker, a family with children, an amateur naturalist, a lifelong resident of the region, or a visitor, this is your essential guide to enjoying one of the most popular outdoor recreation spots in the northeast.

Paper: $19.95
ISBN-13: 9781584656449
Pages: 288 | Size: 5.25 in. x 7.5 in.
Date Published: August 31, 2007


  • I love it! What a terrific guide for those of us who love outdoor adventures in the Monadnock region! The New Hiking the Monadnock Region: 44 Nature Walks and Day-Hikes in the Heart of New England contains all my favorite hikes, and some that are sure to become new favorites. With some history, geography, fun nature facts, driving directions and trail maps and descriptions, it’s as essential for hiking in the region as the flashlight, water, and snacks in your backpack.

    Heather McKernan
    Publisher, Monadnock Ledger-Transcipt
  • When it comes to hiking, most people think of the Green Mountains of Vermont or the Whites of New Hampshire, but Joe Adamowicz has shown that there is plenty of adventure in the Monadnock region of southwestern New Hampshire. This book is a pleasure to read and will help users better understand this unique and varied forest environment.

    Jonathan W. Nute
    forester, UNH Cooperative Extension

About the Author

Joseph Adamowicz

Joseph Adamowicz is a lifelong hiking enthusiast and resident of Peterborough, New Hampshire.

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