Nili Scharf Gold is an impressive scholar, and her reading of Amichai’s poems is enormously valuable. ... There is genuinely new and useful material is this book. ... He was always Israel’s best ambassador, whether on a public stage or in a social gathering, and that is the memory that will endure. But Nili Scharf Gold has given us fresh look and an important book. Anyone interested in Amichai will be grateful for it.
Nili Gold
Nili Gold is a Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature in the department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. She published her third book, Haifa: City of Steps (University Press of New England) in the fall of 2017 and Haifa my Love, an original Hebrew version of the book in late 2018. It weaves together the architecture, cultural history and literature of the city, Gold’s hometown. In 2019, she lectured internationally on the book and its heroine – Haifa – and in …