
And The Oscar Goes To… You!

The date is set. The nominations are in. The competition is steep. The season of the Oscar is upon us, and we’re celebrating by giving away five copies of Bruce Davis’s The Academy and the Award: The Coming of Age of Oscar and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. If you adore awards season as much as we do, you’ll love this behind the scenes look at the scrappy and scandalous adolescence that made the Academy the venerable institution it is today.

For a chance to win, follow us on Instagram, share this post, and tag us @brandeispress. We’ll select the winners on Friday, February 2nd. This year, the [Academy and the] Award just might go to you!


About the Author

Bruce Davis joined the Academy staff in 1981, after serving as Theater Department chair at Juniata College. He was the organization’s Executive Director for twenty years, overseeing the establishment of one of the world’s great film archives and finding handsome new quarters for the Academy’s Herrick Library. Davis has described his tenure as “thirty years among the masters of an art form.” He lives in Los Angeles.