
Sites of European Antisemitism in the Age of Mass Politics, 1880–1918

Edited by Robert Nemes and Daniel Unowsky

This innovative collection of essays on the upsurge of antisemitism across Europe in the decades around 1900 shifts the focus away from intellectuals and well-known incidents to less-familiar events, actors, and locations, including smaller towns and villages. This “from below” perspective offers a new look at a much-studied phenomenon: essays link provincial violence and antisemitic politics with regional, state, and even transnational trends. Featuring a diverse array of geographies that include Great Britain, France, Austria-Hungary, Romania, Italy, Greece, and the Russian Empire, the book demonstrates the complex interplay of many factors—economic, religious, political, and personal—that led people to attack their Jewish neighbors.

Paper: $40 | E-book: $39.99
ISBN-13: 9781611685824
Pages: 328 | Size: 6.25 in. x 9.25 in.
Date Published: July 29, 2014

About the Author

Daniel Louis Unowsky

Daniel Louis Unowsky is professor of history, University of Memphis.

Robert Nemes

Robert Nemes is associate professor of history, Colgate University.

Table Of Contents

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