CASE 4.3 Aligning Transition Supports and Services for Students With Disabilities

In The Heller Social Impact Case Collection

Jennifer Stewart

This case describes the State of Colorado’s initiative to create a state level series of interagency partnership that improve the coordination of support services for students and youth with disabilities and its work piloting and then sustaining this approach. It includes an example of a family including a youth with autism and their challenges navigating the complexites of the support system. The case describes the development of a services sequencing model and the use of four pilot sites to identify the best way to deliver aligned services. The case ends with the challenge of how to plan to expand the sequencing of services model.

The Heller Social Impact Case Collection is available for purchase here. Instructors may request the Teaching Notes for the book.

E-book: $4.95
ISBN-13: 9781684582297
Pages: 15 | Size: 8.5 in. x 11 in.
Date Published: April 15, 2024

About the Author

Jennifer Stewart

Jennifer Stewart is the owner of Breaking Expectations, LLC. She has a passion for supporting transition aged young adults with disabilities navigate both education and adult systems. Jennifer has worked with young adults with disabilities over 15 years in various capacities, from providing vocational counseling, supporting families, developing programming, building system capacity, and evaluating impact. Jennifer is a LEND Fellow; she has a master’s degree in Public Policy from the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Colorado.

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